Wilbur, Physiology of Mollusca

Wilbur, Physiology of Mollusca

Zoologie (Wilbur, K.M./Yonge, C.M. Editors) Physiology of Mollusca. Vol. I. Academic Press. New York. 1964. 473 Seiten. Textabb.

Aus dem Inhalt: Morton, J.E. Classification and Structure of the Mollusca. Newell, G.E. Physiological Aspects of the Ecology of intertidal Molluscs. Hunter W. Physiological Aspects of Ecology in Nonmarine Molluscs. Fretter, A/Graham, A. Reproduction. Raven, C.P. Development. Walne, P.R. The Culture of Marine Bivalve Larvae. Wilbur, K.M./Owen, G. Growth. Wilbur, K.M. Shell Formation and Regeneration. etc.

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